Date Created: 03/12/2020
Last Updated: 03/13/2020

In loving memory of Donnie Newman
9/25/1950 - 3/2/2020

Location: Vinita, Oklahoma

Visits: 41,002

This memorial was created in honor of Donald "Donnie" Eugene Newman of Vinita, Oklahoma. Donald was born on September 25, 1950 in Wisner and passed on March 2, 2020. Donald was loved by many and will be dearly missed by all friends and family.


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From: Melanie Ross Thursday, March 19, 2020
I have so many memories of my daddy. I was the boy he never had. We did everything together... except hunt. I know he was disappointed that I didn’t like to hunt, but my sister filled those shoes well. I just couldn’t sit still long enough and I would get board. Our daddy was Mr Mom. If you’ve ever seen that movie, that was my dad. He did it all.. he even would go to the store and buy our female products. But when hunting season came around, he was a ghost. A lot of people don’t understand why we didn’t talk to our dad everyday even as adults. Back in the day, we didn’t have cell phones or computers. He was gone months at at time and came in from time to time. He would have to drive into Hamburg, Arkansas to place a call from the pay phone. So that’s was our normal. He was a sports fanatic. He would be downstairs with 3 TV’s going with different games. Ugh. Lol. We didn’t have VCR’s at the time. When we got out 1st Curtis Mathis VRC, it was on. Our remote to the VCR was a wired chord that connected to the VCR. One thing for sure, we never lost it. One thing for sure, if daddy told us to do something, we did it. We knew he meant business. There was a respect that we had for him and the fear that if we didn’t do something, shit was going down... moving to high school when my mouth got the best of me. Keep in mind that I was a good kid and I did what I was told, but I would do some back talking. ??. One time Christine, Dawn and I were sitting in the living room and daddy was there. Not sure what went down, but apparently it was my back talking. Daddy looked at me and said..”don’t say another word”. What did I do? I said “word”. Omg, Christine and Dawn were praying on the couch that I would live.. all I remember was daddy grabbing me around my throat, pushed me up against the wall.. and saying something like... I told you not to say another word... I saw my last days of my life flash before me.. I have never made my daddy so mad. I was ashamed of what I just did. I knew this was it. He meant business. I did live as you can see. Moral to the story, don’t piss him off. If you have a story you would like to share, please share so we can remember what a great man.

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Guest Book

Marc Correra 1/10/2022
Jason Newman 4/18/2021
Mike and Susan Woodri... 3/14/2020
Melanie Newman Ross 3/13/2020
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(Melanie (daughter))
(Melanie (daughter))

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